Syllabus BM8502 BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMENTATION OBJECTIVES: The students will be exposed to electrical and non-electrical physiological measurements and bioamplifiers. UNIT I BIO POTENTIAL ELECTRODES Origin of bio potential and its propagation. Electrode-electrolyte interface, electrode–skin interface, half cell potential, Contact impedance, polarization effects of electrode – non polarizable electrodes. Types of electrodes - surface, needle and micro electrodes and their equivalent circuits. Recording problems – motion artifacts, measurement with two electrodes. UNIT II BIOPOTENTIAL MEASUREMENTS Biosignals characteristics – frequency and amplitude ranges. ECG – Einthoven’s triangle, standard lead system, Principle of vector cardiography, EEG – 10-20 electrode system, unipolar, bipolar and average mode.EMG– unipolar and bipolar mode, Recording of ERG, EOG and EGG. UNIT III SIGNAL CONDITIONING CIRCUITS Need for bio-amplifier - single ended bio-amplif...