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Showing posts from April, 2022

Biomaterials notes Anna University 2017 regulation

 BIOMATERIALS NOTES        ANNA UNIVERSITY         2017 REGULATION  Syballus: UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO BIO-MATERIALS  Definition and classification of bio-materials, mechanical properties, visco elasticity, biomaterial performance, body response to implants, wound healing, blood compatibility, Nano scale phenomena. UNIT II METALLIC AND CERAMIC MATERIALS   Metallic implants - Stainless steels, co-based alloys, Ti-based alloys, shape memory alloy, nanostructured metallic implants, degradation and corrosion, ceramic implant – bio inert, biodegradable or bioresorbable, bioactive ceramics, nanostructured bio ceramics. UNIT III POLYMERIC IMPLANT MATERIALS   Polymerization, factors influencing the properties of polymers, polymers as biomaterials, biodegradable polymers, Bio polymers: Collagen, Elastin and chitin. Medical Textiles, Materials for ophthalmology: contact lens, intraocular lens. Membranes for plasma separati...